ArtWorks Community Engagement Tools
July 2021
11" x 17"
As part of a summer co-op with ArtWorks as their Creative Projects Intern, I was able to collaborate on a community enga-gement project with the Artist Impact Intern to create and design a tool to engage with communities that ArtWorks is looking to complete new projects in and gather feedback from residents on their opinions of the work or their general thoughts of the area in which they live.  Using Madisonville as a case study, I developed this design that focuses on Madisonville rather than ArtWorks and their branding, as the organization is a guest in the area.  The des-ign takes into account information that ArtWorks is looking for from residents as well as trends found in Madisonville through prior observation.
Original sketch idea for the zine layout, using Madisonville as a case study.  The decision to
vary the question types was made to make the zine more engaging and easier to answer quickly, rather than making participants write out full responses.  Multiple choice and rating questions are better for shorter attention spans and more courteous when asking for someone's time
and contribution.
Initial idea and sketch for the zine cover which focuses on Madisonville, but gives more opportunity to introduce the zine.  The graphic design was based on the Madisonville sign on the train tracks, a beloved sign in the community.
Below is a number of pictures taken in the Madisonville area on a scouting trip to
learn more about the area, its feel, and its presence before further developing the design for the zine.
Beloved Madisonville sign on the train tracks
Beloved Madisonville sign on the train tracks
Past ArtWorks mosaic project at Artsville in Madisonville
Past ArtWorks mosaic project at Artsville in Madisonville
Public greenspace
Public greenspace
Madisonville walking map used in the development of the map for the zine
Madisonville walking map used in the development of the map for the zine
Home garden, a very common sight in Madisonville
Home garden, a very common sight in Madisonville
Little library post amid another plant bed
Little library post amid another plant bed
Past ArtWorks mural project art Artsville in Madisonville and inspiration for final color palette
Past ArtWorks mural project art Artsville in Madisonville and inspiration for final color palette
New cover design with more focus on Madisonville so the zine is less about ArtWorks and more about the community
New cover design with more focus on Madisonville so the zine is less about ArtWorks and more about the community
Map of the area for participants to mark specified locations
Map of the area for participants to mark specified locations
List of potential questions for each type to use in the zine
List of potential questions for each type to use in the zine
First fully rendered plan for the zine layout and color palette
First fully rendered plan for the zine layout and color palette
You may notice a slight change in the color palette which replaces the light blue in the cover with a green.  This decision was made to reflect the community's love of gardening and greenery.
Final Design
Below are the first two iterations of the final design and the template version,
both front and back, for use and collection in person at community events or a project specific event.
Below are the front page designs for both the Madisonville zine and the template that includes a space for information collection in the event that ArtWorks needs to reach out to participants who have won a raffle prize for participating.
In Action
Side 1 opened and with feedback
Side 1 opened and with feedback
Side 2 opened and with feedback
Side 2 opened and with feedback
Opened map with feedback
Opened map with feedback